Fat Loss for Women
Why fat loss for women – because we are different.
And I don't mean that in a condescending way “hormones”.
I mean it as we have different physiology...
Fat loss for women is a dicey arena, and one that we are not fully across... YET. The research on many “fad” diets is disproportionately performed on men, and many of them will screw with a female's hormones.
Learning outcomes:
In this course we will meet Sascha. Sascha had taken on a Best Body Reboot with Who Magazine a few years ago, and at IntoYou we saw the opportunity to test our methods against the mainstream fitness culture. Sascha spent 10 weeks with us, and lost the same amount of weight as the other participants, this is how we did it – without calorie restriction, without excessive exercise, without overloading her pelvic floor and birth injuries (she was a mum of 4).
Other learning outcomes include:
- Increase your awareness of female health hormones and how they affect weight loss.
- Learn to hit the 5 components of a healthy weight loss journey for women.
- Understand how restrictive eating can sabotage female hormones and weight loss goals.
- Figure out how to plan exercise to enhance her fat loss without putting her health at risk.
- Grasp how the brain and rest affect fat loss goals.