Learn how to rehabilitate your clients from Deep Core Dysfunction

Imagine it now, you client has suffered a birthing injury, or had a hernia repaired, or perhaps they just suffer chronic back pain, this course is your template for bringing them back in to the activities they love.

Powerful, practical, life changing, yet so simple! This course is going to change your client's lives!

6 CEC with AusActive
7.5 CPD with NZ Reps

  • This course is for trainers who:
  • Train women, especially mums or mums to be
  • Train people with back injuries
  • Train people who have hernia, or have had hernia repaired
  • Want a logical, progressive pathway to get these people back in to the activities they love
  • Don't accept that a core injury is the end of their sporting/training
  • Are unfulfilled by the conservative approach to deep core training, and want to empower their clients to go further

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